Gökçe Erkan
- English
- Türkçe
Oda No : S-101 S-108 E-posta : vgokce@metu.edu.tr Tel No : +90 312 210 3147-3165 Faks No:
Educational Background |
Work Experience |
Academic Interest |
Learner autonomy, curriculum development, language assessment |
Publications |
Conference Talks |
Nov. 2018 “The Quest for a Writing Rating Scale: A Collaborative Action Research Project” (together with İrem Çomoğlu, Mustafa Akıncıoğlu) TESOL in Turkey, İzmir, Turkey
May 2018 “Web 2.0 Tools in Academic English Courses” (together with Seher Balbay) GlobELT 2018 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia
May 2018 “Powertech touched MLD, METU” (together with Seher Balbay) Sabancı University School of Languages International Conference ‘Pathways That Inspire Us’, İstanbul, Turkey
May 2018 “Using Thematic Muted-Video Enactments to Develop Sociolinguistic Awareness” (together with Seher Balbay) 13th METU International ELT Convention ‘Teaching Beyond Boundaries’, Ankara, Turkey
Nov. 2017 “Giving Feedback to 21st Century Learners Through Turnitin” 3rd International Congress on Education Sciences and Learning Technology Conference, Athens, Greece
April 2010 “In‐class assessment of speaking through debates” (together with Hale Kızılcık) IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment SIG Conference, Famugusa, Cyprus
Sept. 2006 “The effect of strategy training on learners’ reading performance” (together with Prof. Dr. Gölge Seferoğlu) EUROSLA 2006, Antalya, Turkey
May 2006 “Creating learner autonomy in the foreign language classroom” (together with Pınar Yurtseven) 9th METU International ELT Convention, Ankara, Turkey |
Awards |