Oda No : S134

E-posta : khale@metu.edu.tr

Tel No  : +90 312 210 3163

Faks No: 

Educational Background


Degree                Institution                                                         Year of Graduation

PhD                       Middle East Technical University (METU)         2006-2012 

                             Ankara, Turkey  

                               English Language Teaching        

                               Title: A Constructivist Approach to the

                             Integration of Systematic Reflection in

                             EAP Courses: An Action Research Study

                             GPA: 3.93 (over 4.00)                     


MA                        METU, Ankara, Turkey                                 2002-2005

                               English Literature                           

                               Thesis: “Jungian Archetypes in Beckett’s Trilogy”

                               GPA: 3.43 (over 4.00)


BA                          METU, Ankara, Turkey                                 1995-1999

                               English Language Teaching

                               GPA: 3.64 (over 4.00)

Academic Interest

Curriculum development, Materials design, Testing and assessment, Alternative assessment, Classroom Interaction

Work Experience

Year                         Place                                                                   Positions

2007-present       Department of Modern Languages        R & D

                               METU , Ankara, Turkey                               Coordinator                                                                    

                                                            Test writer

                                                            English   Instructor


2011-2014           Department of Foreign Language

                             Education                                                       Part-time instructor

                             METU, Ankara, Turkey                                Teaching Language

                                                                                                             Skills (FLE 324)

                                                                                                             English  Language

                                                                                                             Testing & Evaluation

                                                                                                             (FLE 413)


                                                                                                            Materials  Adaptation &

                                                                                                            Evaluation (FLE 405)

                                                                                                            Teaching  English to

                                                                                                            Young  Learners   (FLE 308)                                                                                                         


1999-2007                           Özel Bilkent High School        English teacher 

                                            Ankara, Turkey                                                                                                                                                                         Head of the English

                                                                                               Department for 2 years

                                                                                               Mentor for 4 years


1998-1999                           TAA, Ankara, Turkey               English instructor


Kızılcık, H. What do students want to read about in EAP classes?: A survey of student topic preferences. (April-May, 2018) at https://mldbulletin.wordpress.com/columnists-of-the-month/the-mld-column...


Kızılcık, H. Reflections on Teacher and Learner Roles in Education: Lessons from Fitness Training. (February-March, 2018). https://mldbulletin.wordpress.com/columnists-of-the-month/the-mld-column...


Salli-Copur, D. & Kizilcik, H. An Interactive Approach to Reading via WhatsApp: A Social-Cultural Model. IConEGS 2017 International Conference on Education and Global Studies.

Kyoto, Japan. April 4-6, 2017 (received distinguished paper award)


Kızılcık, H. (2016). Poetic Farewells: Humorous Epitaphs in the Literature Class. In Rucynski, J., New Ways in Teaching with Humor. TESOL Press: Alexandria.


Kızılcık, H. & Dewan-Türüdü, A. S.  (2016). Jolly English 2, Ankara, Turkey: Lingus Education

Group, ISBN: (English coursebook for primary school grade 2)


Kızılcık, H. & Dewan-Türüdü, A. S.  (2016). Jolly English 3, Ankara, Turkey: Lingus Education

Group, ISBN: (English coursebook for primary school grade 3)


Kızılcık, H. Equality vs. Equity in Education: Implications for Testing & Assessment. (December, 2015) at https://mldbulletin.wordpress.com/columnists-of-the-month/the-mld-column...

Conference Talks

Kızılcık H. & Salli-Copur, D. Designing a Dynamic Reading-into-Speaking Test for Tertiary Level EAP Classes. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Chicago, US, March 24-27, 2018 (paper accepted for presentation)


Kızılcık, H. Assessing Speaking in EAP Contexts: Workshop for Teachers. April 25, 2017.  TED University. Ankara, Turkey


Kızılcık, H., Dewan, A. & Salli-Copur, D. Insider Reflections on the British Council “the State of English in the Higher Education in Turkey” Report. Towards Higher Education: Bridging the Gap.

Boğaziçi University, Turkey. April 15, 2017


Salli-Copur, D. & Kizilcik, H. An Interactive Approach to Reading via WhatsApp: A Social-Cultural Model. IConEGS 2017 International Conference on Education and Global Studies.

Kyoto, Japan. April 4-6, 2017 (received distinguished paper award)


Kızılcık, H. & Salli-Copur, D. Integrating Dynamic Assessment Principles in Testing Discussion Skills: Operationalizing Theory. IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group (TEA SIG) Conference.  Aigle, Switzerland. 28-29 October, 2016


Kızılcık, H. & Bozatlı, Ö. The Impact of Task Type on Listening Comprehension: While-listening vs. Note-taking. 14th BUSEL International Conference Classroom Assessment:

Bridging Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Bilkent University of English Language, Ankara, Turkey. 16-18 June, 2016.


Kızılcık H. & Salli-Copur, D. Designing a Group Dynamic Assessment Frame for Group Discussions: An Exam Validation Study. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Orlando, US, April 8-12, 2016


Kızılcık, H. Which vocabulary? Are we teaching what our students need? MLD Talks V. Department of Modern Languages, Middle East Technical University, February 1, 2016.



Ötkür, A. & Kizilcik, H. English at work: A Case Study of Engineering Graduates. IATEFL BESIG and IATEFL Hungary Symposium. Budapest, Hungary. June 20, 2015.


Salli-Copur D. & Kizilcik, H. ESP:  What Does the Faculty Say? The Second International Conference on Teaching English for Specific Purposes and New Language Learning Technologies. University of Nis, Serbia. May 22-24, 2015 (proceedings)


Kızılcık, H. & Salli-Copur, D. Managing Program Evaluation: Giving Voice to Stakeholders. ELT Ireland Conference. Dublin, Ireland. 21-22 February, 2015.


Kızılcık, H. & Salli-Copur, D. Tests as security valves: Backwash effect on course syllabus. IATEFL TEA SIG Conference. Granada, Spain. 23-25 October, 2014.


Kızılcık, H. Self-assessment in EAP: Overcoming the Obstacles. Sabanci University International Freshman English Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-19 September, 2014


Salli-Copur, D & Kızılcık, H. A code for objective writing: An action research study. IATEFL Annual Conference Harrogate, England. 2-5 April, 2014. (proceedings)


Kızılcık, H. & Salli-Copur, D. Testing English as a world language: Challenges and solutions. IATEFL TEA SIG Conference Siena, Italy. 22-23 November, 2013.


Kızılcık, H. Invited panellist: Diversity, plurilingualism and their impact on language testing and assessment. IATEFL TEA SIG Conference Siena, Italy. 22-23 November, 2013.


Kızılcık, H. & Salli-Copur, D. Scaffolding secondary school students to understand and enjoy poetry. The 16th INGED International ELT Conference Dokuz Eylül University. 4-6 October, 2013.


Kızılcık, H. & Daloglu, A.  Learning through reflecting on student reflections: An action research study. Bilkent University of English Language, Ankara, Turkey. 17-18 June, 2013.

13th BUSEL International Conference Teachers Exploring Practice for Professional Development Bilkent


Akel, Y. & Kızılcık, H. The role of text and item characteristics in predicting reading comprehension difficulty: A study on low-stakes exams. EALTA SIG Conference. 23 May, 2013


Kızılcık, H. The place of direct and indirect tests in the assessment of speaking skills: A case study. EALTA SIG Conference, Ankara, Turkey. 30 May, 2012.


Kızılcık, H. & Salli-Copur, D. How teacher educators interpret standards: A case study on rubrics. IATEFL TEA SIG Conference Prague. 12-13 October, 2012.


Vanlı, G. & Kızılcık, H. In-class assessment of speaking through debates. IATEFL TEA SIG Conference Cyprus 23-24 October, 2009


Salli-Copur, D. & Kizilcik, H. An Interactive Approach to Reading via WhatsApp: A Social-Cultural Model. IConEGS 2017 International Conference on Education and Global Studies.

Kyoto, Japan. April 4-6, 2017 (received distinguished paper award)

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