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'An education system is only as good as its teachers' (UNESCO, 2014, p.9) With this quotation in mind, Professional Development Unit (PDU) at Modern Languages Department (MLD) shapes the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) facilities.
While designing these facilities, PDU at MLD takes into consideration Whitehouse's (2011) widely cited definition of CPD:
"Effective CPD for teachers needs to: be based on the identified learning needs of both students and teachers; be sustained; be subject specific; be based in the classroom and classroom practice; be collaborative, so that reflective practice is encouraged; and, make use of external expertise" (p.1).
In light of this definition, PDU tries to create a multi-faceted and personalized CPD program both to newly hired instructors (in the form of pre-service and in-service training) and to all MLD teaching staff.